Increased recycling to reduce carbon emissions

Source sorting is an important part of NPRO’s commitment to local environmental measures that have a positive, global effect; GLOCAL.

About 20% of the greenhouse gas emissions from NPRO’s properties come from unsorted waste.

The common costs will be higher if you do not sort. It costs to get rid of residual waste.
Other factions can usually be delivered free of charge, or you can get paid to deliver it.

We have created an updated source sorting guide which you can download here:
Source sorting guide

We encourage all tenants to contribute with source sorting:

  • Make sure you have source sorting equipment that makes it easy for employees to sort, and if you want tips or help finding such equipment, it is possible to order this from Alles Miljø. Tenants at Aker Brygge can use the button marked “Order here” on the right, for other properties we have made an agreement with Alles Miljø that NPRO’s tenants can order directly from them by email:
  • If you have equipment that works well today, you do not need to replace it, but transparent waste bags and sacks should all be introduced. They can be ordered at the same place as other equipment.
  • Both employees in the company and any hired cleaners must receive good information and training in how to sort waste.


Waste bags with text in various colors

At Aker Brygge, the waste must be sorted into ten main types of waste. In other properties there may be fewer fractions – contact the customer center if you are in doubt about what applies to the building you rent in. Each of these types of waste has its own color on signs and other information material. The waste bags come in a clear color with text in different colors – orange for residual waste and green for food waste. For plastic foil, the corresponding bags come in blue. Ordering waste bags and sacks is done in the same way as ordering other equipment.

Ordering waste bags or other recycling equipment?

Order here
Source sorting guide