Norwegian Property has established as part of its finance policy that the LTV level should be between 45-55%.

The company’s goal is to reduce refinancing risk through a diversified maturity profile.

Funding sources are split between bank loans, bilateral loans and listed bonds. As real estate is a capital-intensive business, it is essential for the company to maintain good relations with several large banks, active and stable in the Norwegian market.

The bond market has been the most important funding source to Norwegian Property for several years, and three new loans were issued in June 2024, amounting to NOK 1 395 million.

By the end of Q2-2024 the split was 26% bank loans, 40% bilateral loans, and 34% listed bonds. Of all outstanding loans approximately 10% are green bonds.

Scope assigned Norwegian Property ASA first-time issuer rating of BBB- with Stable Outlook based on Q1-2022 figures. Scope updated the rating on 3rd May 2024 to BBB- with negative outlook. Scope published its BBB rating of three new bonds in July 2024.

NPRO published its Green Bond Framework with the second opinion from Cicero in May 2021, and the company’s latest Green Bond report is available from the sustainability web page.

Sources of financing 2024-Q2

Maturity profile 2024-Q2

Below is a list of outstanding bonds:

Below is a list of outstanding listed bonds:

ISIN nr Name Document (links) Amount Interest Maturity Mortgaged property
NO 0013270348 New loan Scope rating BBB 420 mnok FRN 2024-2027 Drammensveien 60
NO 0013251801 New loan  Scope rating BBB 635 mnok FRN 2024-2029 Fondbygget
NO 0013251827 New loan  Scope rating BBB 340 mnok 5.50% 2024-2029 Fondbygget
Base prospectus 26.01.2022
NO 0011086969 NPRO 23 Final Terms 200 mnok FRN 2021-2026 Terminalbygget
NO 0011091274 NPRO 22 Final Terms 150 mnok FRN 2021-2026 Kaibygning 1
Supplement to base prospectus 21.06.2021
NO 0010997919 NPRO 21 ESG Final Terms and Green Bond Framework 

Tap Issue Addendum 25.01.2024

650 mnok

129 mnok

2.235% 2021-2026 Snarøyveien 36
Base prospectus 15.01.2021
NO 0010894785
and temporary
NO 0011084642
NPRO 20 Final Terms
Final Terms 31.01.2022
500 mnok FRN 2020-2025 Terminalbygget
NO 0010907231 NPRO 19 Final Terms
Tap Issue Addendum 2021.08.27
850 mnok FRN 2020-2025 Verkstedhallene
NO 0010871312 NPRO 17 Securities Note 460 mnok FRN 2020-2024 Lille Grensen 7
NO 0010864952 NPRO 16 Securities Note 505 mnok 2.666% 2019-2024 Bryggegata 7-9 and Støperiet
Registration Document 2019.09.16
NO 0010856826 NPRO 15 Securities Note 300 mnok FRN 2019-2024 Kaibygg 1
NO 0010856818
and temporary
NPRO 14 Securities Note
Final Terms 31.01.2022
150 mnok 3.05% 2019-2026 Kaibygg 1
NO 0010799547
and temporary
NO 0011087579
NPRO 09 Securities Note
Final Terms 31.01.2022
300 mnok 2,93 % 2017-2024 Drammensveien 60
Supplement to Registration Document 2017.06.26
Registration Document 2017.01.03