Supplier guidelines
See our supplier guidelines and learn about how we prefer to receive invoices.
Ethical guidelines for suppliers of the Norwegian Property Group
Our supplier guidelines are based on the ethical guidelines and corporate responsibility policies of the Norwegian Property Group.
Read more about the purpose, principles, and guidelines for our suppliers.
Invoicing to Norwegian Property
As part of our environmental commitment and for the fastest possible processing, we prefer to receive EHF invoices.
Suppliers who are unable to send e-invoices can, during a transitional period, send invoices in PDF format to ( Please note that invoices with attachments must be sent in a single file. If multiple invoices are sent in the same email, they must be divided into a PDF file per invoice.
All invoices must, at a minimum, include the following information:
- Property address (name of NPRO company) - see overview below
- Supplier's name
- Supplier's organization number
- Supplier's bank account number
- Description of services/goods/assignments delivered
- Name of the requester/invoice recipient at NPRO
- For projects, project name or project number must be provided
Invoices lacking the above mandatory information, unfortunately, cannot be processed and will be returned to the sender.
The postal address is: PO Box 1657 Vika, 0120 Oslo.
Aker Brygge Business Village AS | 988 271 829 |
Aker Brygge Energisentral AS | 995 659 077 |
Aker Brygge Marina AS | 898 263 142 |
Aker Brygge Marina Drift AS | 999 652 980 |
Aker Brygge Uteareal AS | 912 383 490 |
Bryggegata 9 AS | 953 137 208 |
Bydel Aker Brygge Forvaltning AS | 965 563 997 |
Dokkbygningen Aker Brygge AS | 912 482 472 |
Drammensveien 60 AS | 991 385 959 |
Fondbygget AS | 997 434 927 |
Gjerdrums vei 8 AS | 920 771 823 |
Gjerdrums vei 10 G AS | 990 637 083 |
Gjerdrums vei 3 AS | 916 114 524 |
Gjerdrums vei 5 AS | 990 815 127 |
Gjerdrums vei 14-16 AS | 990 637 121 |
Gjerdrums vei 17 AS | 890 637 132 |
Gullhaug Torg 3 AS | 981 427 580 |
Gullhaugveien 9-13 AS | 990 637 148 |
Nye Hasle Linje Bygg 01 Næring AS | 926 650 734 |
Kaibygning 1 AS | 920 642 993 |
Kaibygning 2 AS | 912 482 537 |
K21 Holding AS | 916 067 992 |
Norwegian Property ASA | 988 622 036 |
NPRO Drift AS | 996 293 947 |
Lille Grensen 7 AS | 916 899 076 |
NPRO Holding AS | 990 298 211 |
Nydalsveien 15-17 AS | 990 589 763 |
Stranden AS | 821 713 862 |
Snarøyveien 30 AS | 980 743 233 |
Sandakerveien 130 AS | 890 589 812 |
Snarøyveien 36 AS | 988 330 191 |
Støperiet AS | 912 482 561 |
Terminalbygget Aker Brygge AS | 912 383 474 |
Tingvalla AS | 912 482 510 |
Verkstedhallene AS | 916 122 861 |
Martin Linges vei 33 AS | 997 755 537 |
ML 33 Drift AS | 918 150 129 |
Koksa Drift AS | 978 626 637 |
Koksa Eiendom AS | 990 593 515 |